A Faster, Smarter & More Profitable Way to Become a Published Author.

Dear Soon-To-Be-Published Author,

We know first hand how antiquated the publishing industry is.

Talk about innovation at snail’s pace. At this rate traditional publishing as we know it will be going the way of the Do-Do bird (and good riddance we say).

Why should you have to practically donate your right kidney to get an agent to back your manuscript?

Why then should you have to beg for table scraps from the so-called “big publishers” just to have them publish your book, do next to nothing to promote it, and then take nearly all your royalties for the privilege?


You could of course try and self-publish your book yourself. Thousands do every year. In fact last year alone over 600,000 books were published on Amazon. That’s a lot of competition in an already over-crowded marketplace. Besides which about 99% of authors who “self-publish” look like they self-publish. One glance at their book and it’s a dead giveaway.

At last count there are 269 variables that you have to consider when publishing a manuscript - whether it’s a novel, a children’s book a business book or a memoir.

And, if you muff any of these, your book will be relegated to the bottom of Google forever which means it will be next to impossible to find.

Then there’s us.

Blue Sky Publisher.

We’ve been ghost-authoring and publishing books for the last 12 years. Our authors also have the option of partnering with one of America’s most innovative marketing agencies Bolder&Louder to develop their own high-octane brand as an author.

We don’t take any of the glory - we leave that for our clients, and we don’t take any of your royalties either.

If you’re interested in learning more, stay awhile and explore our site.

Or drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you.

Welcome to a brand new way of publishing!